Monday, May 2, 2011


Mom has gotten so much stronger in the week and a half that I've been away. She balances standing up on her own and doesn't even think twice about it. She moves fluidly around her room to the bathroom with her walker, intuitively navigating the distances and turns. She did more PT today on her hands and knees, challenging her upper body and core. She says it's hard, which I know it is. But so good. I think the therapy should always be hard. She's always pushing to gain something that she lost-it's hard work. And so rewarding. Amazing to see that four months in bed hasn't diminished anything beyond repair.

I am so happy to be here this week. My last trip was such a whirlwind, this will be nice to be able to stay a little bit longer and settle in to a bit of a routine. Tomorrow night we're doing Thai food. Friday night a dear one of mine is in town. Wednesday, no chemo, but the CT scan. I'm anxiously awaiting those results, while Mom is just hoping the test will be easy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us up to date, Ainsley!!! Everyone hang in there!! Priscilla Wright
