Monday, April 11, 2011



I'm told that today was the first day in Seattle with sunshine. Mom's BFF, who is constantly looking out for her, pushing her to work a little harder and diversifying her routine, took Mom outside for a little vitamin D. Mom's vision is still fluctuating between non-existent and occasional shadows, but she could sure feel the sun on her face. If you've never lived in Seattle or London, you may not believe this, but sunshine absolutely has healing properties. Take it out of your life for months on end and you will be lethargic, achy and depressed. You will feel that it is not only reasonable to drink multiple servings of 16 ounces of espresso, milk and 54 grams of sugar, but necessary to survival. You will not bother to ever get dressed up for anything, because you are just going to get damp and muddy. You will listen to Nirvana. On repeat. So, the fact that Mom got some sun on her face that she could feel and enjoy was wonderful. It gave her energy through out the day.

She had a bit of an appetite early in the day-both breakfast and lunch managed to go down and stay down. She passed on dinner, citing a low level of queasiness, but all that really means is that she doesn't have an appetite. She wasn't dizzy or exhausted or vomiting..I kind of tend to go with "who cares" if she misses one meal but feels okay otherwise.

When I called to check in tonight, Mom was on her way to Book Club. Since January, her club has met wherever Mom is. They pick books that are short and available on, which Mom can access on her iPhone. Last month it was short stories, this month poetry. The amazing amazing M, who works at KGH and is good friends of good friends of ours, arranges cookies and meeting spaces. The kindness of these women, to rearrange their books and meetings around Mom, is astounding and lovely. I don't know if they know how much it means to her. She sounded so normal tonight, talking about it. It could have been any one of those Book Club Mondays when Mom rushes me off the phone so she can get to the meeting. This is a remnant of her past life that she loves and doesn't have to give up. She has access to the books and the conversation. For those two hours, she isn't "the patient." She's simply a friend and conversation contributor. From the bottom of my heart, I want to give these women all my gratitude. They're the sunshine in another form. Thank you so much.


  1. Love your posting aboutn the sun and book group. What a great day. Even my NW dog had more energy today thanks to the sun.

  2. Dear Anysley: On behalf of the book club, you all should know that we are so thrilled (and personally each receive so much in so many ways) from being able to continue book club with your mother. She is our anchor. She is amazing at book club--sharp as ever and fully engaged. We all concluded that she is resilience incarnate. Suzanne and the book buddies
