Sunday, May 15, 2011


A lazy, rainy Sunday in Seattle. Mom felt queasy on and off all day-nothing too terrible, but overall not a fantastic day, health-wise. Though she did get to spend the day with family and close friends, which she enjoyed.

One of the newer developments is that Mom no longer gets IV fluids. We all love this because it means that Mom is able to drink enough throughout the day and it's one less artificial intervention. Dad also loves this because it means that the IV machine is not whirring all night, making it difficult for him to sleep. Last night, both my parents fell asleep listening to the sound of rain falling in the courtyard behind Mom's room. The soothing patter lasted all night, and all day today. Though it's always a little disappointing not to be able to go outside and feel the sunshine, some days it's nice to just be able to sit back, nap, enjoy books on tape, engaging conversation, and the sound of rain falling nearby.

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